Positive Behavior Plan
School-Wide Expectations:
All students are
directly taught our school wide expectations.
- Be Responsibl
- Be Respectfu
- Be Safe
Marks Behavior
Chart: Students earn marks
for not following expectations.
- Marks Chart Codes: Teachers use the following codes on the marks behavior chart.
- Rt = Respect Marks
- Rb= Responsibility Marks
- S = Safety Marks
- Consequences for Marks:
1st mark: warning (subtle)
2nd mark: 1:1 conversation with teacher
3rd mark: 5 minutes out of center time
4th mark: Time out with Mrs. Floit & 10 minutes
out of center time
5th mark: Out of center time
6th mark: The student will be
given an Office Discipline Referral (ODR). The consequence
could be a recess detention the following day.
The white copy goes home with the student to be signed and
returned. The teacher keeps the yellow
copy and sends the pink copy to the office
Positive Behavior Frogs:
behavior frogs are aligned with the Irving School Positive Behavior Plan. If a student receives a mark their frog
leaves the lily pad and I move their frog into the corresponding box for each
mark. 1 mark equals box one and so
on. This way the students have a visual
for their behavior. Students who stay on the lily pad all day/receive 0 marks
will be acknowledged at the end of the day.
These students will receive some kind of special praise or treat.
Zero Marks
Students who
earn zero marks for the entire week will receive a “zero marks certificate” and
a prize from the office. These students
are recognized in the gym on the following Monday.
Mustang Money:
Students can
earn mustang money for following our school-wide expectations to be
responsible, respectful, and safe. The
students have the opportunity to spend their Mustang Money at the Mustang Mall
on Fridays.
Caught Being Good
In addition to the behavior frogs we
have “Caught Being Good Frogs.” I
randomly “catch children being good” and give them a froggy slip to write their
name on. The froggy slip, then goes in
the “Caught Being Good Tub”. To reward
those who have been “Caught Being Good”, I Pull 5 or more names every Monday
for prizes.
Jewel Jar:
We also have a classroom jewel
jar. Our class can earn jewels if they
earn zero marks in specials (music, pe, library, & art). They can also earn jewels if our class
receives a compliment from another teacher.
In addition, jewels can be earned if the class follows classroom
expectation as a group. For example, if
everyone lines up quietly, they could earn jewels. Once the jar is filled, then we have a
All treats/prizes should stay in your child’s backpack until they get home. J